Thursday, June 14, 2012

Final Countdown to Minimum Skills - 4 Days

Today is Wednesday. It is the final practice before our skills test on Sunday.

Deep breaths!

I try to work on my speed and crossovers during the warm up. The results of this effort are that I wear myself out and I get wicked cramping above my outside ankles.

I am thrilled to report, however, that going back to slightly firmer bushings has resolved a lot of my recent agonies! This is nothing short of miraculous and is a huge relief. I no longer feel wobbly. I no longer feel like ice picks are jabbing into my ankles. What's more, I no longer feel like quitting derby altogether after three laps.

After warming up and having a much needed stretch, we run a weaving drill. We get into pairs and line up. The pair in the back then weaves through the other pairs until they are at the front. Once every pair has weaved through, the pair in the front then weaves backwards through the other pairs until they are in the back. At first this is terrifying. How will I manage this? Pack skating in general makes me intensely uncomfortable. Slicing back and forth behind and in front of pther skaters? This is the definition of Outside the Comfort Zone. I am paired with Melinda, however, and she is such a huge help. She guides me with words and with her hand on my wrist she encourages me. Together we make our way to the front an then again to the back. The other ladies help as well, adjusting their speeds to make it easier for me to get between them. I begin the drill feeling the sting of tears as I fear I will be unable to do this. I finish up feeling amazing.

Even though this is fun, I am relieved when they have us new girls break off from the rest of practice. I really need to focus on the upcoming test. Harmony and Tanya are our instructors today. Yay!

This practice is driven by the new girls. We talk about what we feel we lack, and then we work on it. I get a lot of great practice, and I have so much more confidence now. Harmony and Tanya are both exceptional instructors, alternating between giving direction and encouragement.

Suddenly, I remember. Whips are in the test. I've done them before, but I'm certain Christie hasn't. I point this out. I'm so glad I did. Christie didn't know we are to be tested on whips, and I was correct that she's never done them. I would have hated it if she had gotten to the test and had a shock. We practice whips.

At the end of practice, I think we're going to do the 25 in 5 again. Of course now I have to use the restroom. I rush to the potty and try to hurry, but peeing in a tiny bathroom while wearing skates, pads and spandex takes some coordination and a bit of extra time. It should be on the skills test! Upon emerging from the restroom, I see Christie and Melinda skating laps. Someone yells, "Ramona, 25 in 5!" I rush over to the track, but I notice the other girls aren't exactly booking it. Then I'm told they're not timing us. We're just skating laps. Okay. I set a brisk pace, planning to go 25 laps. Around lap 15, however, we are stopped so the vets can run one more drill. Darn it. I wish I'd done the 25, and I wish I'd've asked someone to time me. For some reason, I feel like it would be embarrassing to be out there grunting and yelling and whimpering through the laps when nobody else is. I could really use that benchmark, though.

I feel good. I feel optimistic. I feel strong. Tomorrow morning I will wake to some drills and then will go to a rink in the afternoon.

I can do this.

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