Saturday, April 14, 2012

I Lurve My New Skates!

New skates = new wheels. Specifically, I got hard wheels. It is awesome!

I really really thought that buying new gear was kinda silly. I am a beginner, so how much difference would better gear make?

Answer: a lot of difference.

I haven't had the girls out on the track yet. I've been skating around my kitchen and garage, but see now how much extra effort I was putting I to just propelling myself forward. I can watermelon around without feeling like my hips are getting sucked out of their joints.

I can even (gasp) T-stop! A bit. On one leg. If I am going very slowly. T even sometimes makes that cool grinding noise.

I can't wait to get these bad boys out on the track. I'm ready to be a rock star.

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